Review: 70900 The Joker Balloon Escape
You know, every so often LEGO makes a part you just can't help but love. Things like the original lightsaber, the batarang, and jester...
Review: 70901 Mr. Freeze Ice Attack
The last of the reviews, 70901 Mr. Freeze Ice Attack, of the initial release of the Batman sets is coming with the least fanfare....
Upcoming LEGO Batman Movie Sets
This sort of slipped through the cracks while life got in the way for a couple of this month, but now that we're...
Review: 70912 Arkham Asylum
Arkham Asylum is one of the more recognizable elements of the Batman mythos. Relatively modern, showing up in 1974, but usually designed after some...
Review: 70910 Scarecrow Special Delivery
This review of 70910 Scarecrow Special Delivery will wrap up my portion of the LEGO Batman Movie sets... at least until the next wave comes...
Review: 70907 Killer Croc Tail-Gator
You know, I own a truck, and while I've certainly used it to haul a number of things, I don't think I've ever felt...
LEGO Movie Batman Sets on Sale
While it may be Rogue One week, it's still always about Batman, and as such, a very wide swath of LEGO Batman sets are...
A Year of Polybags 21/260: The LEGO Batman Movie 30612 Batgirl Review
What's better than a Batgirl CMF? A Batgirl polybag!
This week's set of reviews is sponsored by Bricks & Beer!. Bricks & Beer! is a...
Batman Movie Set Sales, Impressions (and Spoilers) Below the Fold
So, I'm going to try and get a full-featured review for this moving, and use it as an excuse to go see it again,...
LEGO Brick Friday Deals, The Joker Manor Available, New City Saturday, Taj Mahal Monday
Brick Friday deals are live! You can also get some new stuff today. But before we get to the products, here's all the promotions...