A Year of Polybags 150/260: 8031 V-19 Torrent Review
I thought these things were supposed to be mini?
This week’s set of reviews is sponsored by Bricks & Beer!. Bricks & Beer is a...
Minecraft Dungeons – It’s Actually Pretty Good
Two weeks ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be here. Not only playing through the entirety of Minecraft Dungeons, but reviewing it, too? “That’s...
A Year of Polybags 169/260: 30590 Farm Garden & Scarecrow Review
Today's set, 30590 Farm Garden & Scarecrow, is less garden and more scarecrow.
This week’s set of reviews is sponsored by my pal Ryan Wood....
Review: 9509 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2012
It's like déjà vu, all over again. Another year, another ridiculous amount of money spent on little plastic bricks and the biggest toy sellng...
FBTB’s LEGO Advent Season of EXTRA Spam 2022 Day 18
Our annual tradition moves along, another batch of Advent Calendars. Ace handling Star Wars (again), Eric handling Harry Potter (again), and Nick handling Marvel...
Review: 7754 Home One
Now that it's out of the way, I promise that I will not use that absurdly over-used line from Ackbar. This set has a...
A Year of Polybags 120/260: 40176 Scarif Stormtrooper Review
Today's polybag, 40176 Scarif Stormtrooper, is the last Star Wars minifigure with stand and it is the second best one. The best one being R3-M2....
Review: 30053 Republic Attack Cruiser
It’s the latest Target exclusive polybag set and for some reason it isn’t destined for Target’s seasonal department. No, instead 30053 Republic Attack...
A Year of Polybags 102/260: 30428 Green Ninja Mech Dragon Review
Ah this one takes me back. Back when I reviewed the larger version, 70612 Green Ninja Mech Dragon, I was going through a personal...