Saturday, May 18, 2024

AT-RT And Troopers – Both Standard And Shadow

Here's another brilliant "Mood Scale" creation from Kevin Ryhal. The AT-RT, or All Terrain Recon Transport, is clearly a predecessor to my beloved AT-ST,...

Marshal Banana’s Incredible UCS Sandcrawler

Featuring lights, motors, and over 10,000 LEGO elements, Marshal Banana shows off the fruits of his 9 months worth of labor. Just incredible. And...

A Venator Class Star Destroyer For Your Déjà Viewing Pleasure

I'm not sure if this is an homage or an upgrade. Building a copy of someone else's MOC is not uncommon, but why put...


SPARKART!, creator of the greatest LEGO R2-D2 I've ever seen, has taken it upon himself to supply some much needed mayhem to the Superhero...

Heads Up Rogue Squadron

Today is a blast from the N64 past, Bruceywan's V-wing fighter: The original V-wing was an airspeeder featured on Rogue Squadron 64. Bruceywan has done...

_Tiler’s Batpod

We've featured _Tiler's work here before with his amazing MINI-scale Tumblers and The Bat amongst other MOCs. This time, we're featuring his MINI-scale Batpod....

To The Batmobile!

// Now that we're done with the 80's, let's head back to the 60's. There have been rumours floating for some time now that there...

Minifig Scale Tumbler

I love the Tumbler, Batman's kick-ass vehicle from Batman Begins and Dark Knight. Not only for it's complex lines and aggressive posture, but from...

Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart…

...And it's made of LEGO. Don't you just hate it when you've got an uncompleted build sitting on the shelf and someone comes along...

Jordan Schwartz’s StarSpeeder 3000

In paying homage to the closing of the original Star Tours ride, Jordan Schwartz (Sir Nadroj) built this mightily impressive StarSpeeder 3000. LEGO missed...