
Do you wake up screaming through the darkness every night in a cold sweat, your brain still burning with twisted images ripped straight from the vivid landscapes of the PT as they scatter back to the dark recesses of your mind’s eye? There is one sure fire way to calm yourself and help you be sure George Lucas isn’t hiding under your bed, ready to fill your dreamscape with more of his eye catchingly evil machinations, as soon as your heart stops racing and you drift back to sleep.

An R2-D2 nightlight!

Monsterbrick is no stranger to holographic LEGO R2 units, or astromechs in general, but this really stood out for me. Sometimes a builder posts an MOC and I’m blown away. Other times I’m wildly entertained or even lament that I didn’t think of that first. This is a case where I immediately wanted to build my own and my son agreed.

Of course, with too many projects already in the works, I won’t. So, I’m hopeful Ace can distract Matt long enough to make off with it at LEGOLAND’s Star Wars weekend. At least before Don tries first.

I leave you with another of his R2 variations, in honour of Anti Bullying Day 2014, R2-QT.


*Grab this one too, Ace!*