Paul Vermeesch has crafted this mind-blowing LEGO Star Wars spin on M.C.Escher’s “Relativity.” Here’s what he has to say about it:
Six months in the making, I present my largest creation to date: a 1x1x1 foot model of M.C. Escher’s print “Relativity” reenacted in the Lego Star Wars theme. A far larger, cleaner, and more detailed rehashing of my 2010 version, this diorama is fully lit from the inside, presents the original Star Wars trilogy in a roughly counterclockwise format, and even features a minifig-scale theatre in the back which plays Lego’s CG version of the Star Wars saga. Enjoy!

He’s managed to cram the entire Original Trilogy into one stunning diorama. This is truly a work of art. It beautifully captures the spirit of both Escher and of the Original Trilogy. Be sure to check out his MOCpages page for many more photos.
This would be one heck of a Cuusoo entry, wouldn’t it?
Found via ThinkGeek.com‘s Facebook page.