While the official LEGO Captain America doesn’t make his debut for another couple of months, the enterprising ForrestFireFilms couldn’t wait. They decided the world was ready for this kind of hero. Their video is making the rounds across the net and for good reason. I’m going to preface this with a warning: the following video contains some of the most graphic LEGO on LEGO violence I have ever seen.
Video Removed.
While the video does showcase talented LEGO film making skills, there was debate whether or not this belong on this website. Being completely unaware of what defines Captain America having never read the comics or paying attention to the 2011 film, I had no way to judge whether or not this was representative of the superhero. Since it is not and the video does depict a high level of stylized, animated violence, I’ve decided to remove the video from the front page. For those who still wish to view this video of a gratuitously violent Captain America, the link remains below.
via io9