Got an interesting email this morning from LEGO Shop@Home promoting the upcoming Porsche 911 set. Normally, I’d just skim over it and toss it in the trash but one asterisked paragraph caught my eye. The text reads:
*Important change
Unfortunately, current shipping challenges impacting the US West Coast have forced us to cancel the limited-edition LEGO Porsche Owners Pack associated with this launch.
I have no idea what this Limited–Edition LEGO Porsche Owners pack, but after some light googling, this is what I found via BrickFanatics:
- LEGO Porsche card wallet
- Certificate of ownership
- Four unique art prints based on classic Porsche 911 ads, all of which you’ll be able to store inside a collector’s wallet.
BrickFanatics reported that the promotion is cancelled in North America, but today’s email says “West Coast”. I called LEGO Customer Service to get some clarification and was told that the promotion is cancelled for all of North America due to logistics “and COVID”. I was also told that the promotion would be available for North American customers at a later date, but the rep could not confirm when.
Makes me not want to get it to be honest. Not that I had any plans on getting one anyway, but knowing that I’m getting less of a deal than other customers around the world, I’d rather wait and get it all at once or just not get it all. I suppose you could wait until another, different GWP offer comes along, but it’s not the same if it’s not thematically tied to the set. But hey, if you’re still gung-ho about getting one, it goes on sale tomorrow for VIP Early Access. 9pm Pacific Time would be my guess. Click through this link to make a purchase and FBTB may make a small commission.
[…] Limited Edition LEGO Porsche Owners’ Pack was a victim to that. The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have been backed up with shipments […]
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