Hot off all the rumors yesterday of trying to connect Jarvis with Ultron, Hank Pym still not being part of the sequel, and Matt Damon as the Boy Wonder (okay, he denied that, but I can hope, can’t I)… we get an actual, official announcement: Marvel has cast James Spader, otherwise known as the guy who was originally Dr. Daniel Jackson in Stargate (but no one remembers that because the vastly better TV show used Michael Shanks for that role).

Okay, he’s also been on Boston Legal, The Practice, and was in Lincoln, but this is an interesting turn. Ultron is a tough villain to cast, and one has to assume that the villain will mostly be CGI. Not sure how his role will shake out, but certainly is a bigger name to see attached than we’re used to for baddies. Then again… in Whedon We Trust…

You can read their full release over at .