Nannan from The Brothers Brick is organizing a charity event. Dubbed Creations For Charity, Nannan will be selling MOCs through his bricklink store and 100% of the proceeds will be going towards Toys for Tots. His words below:

Hi guys,

I’m excited to announce a new online charity event that has just started! The event, called Creations for Charity, sells custom LEGO creations from fan builders to raise money to buy LEGO for underprivileged children. 100% of the funds raised will be used to buy LEGO sets for the charity Toys for Tots. From now until early December, there will be new creations listed to be auctioned. Come visit the store to see what we have! If you’re interested in contributing a creation, you can read the details here.

Feel free to ask me any questions here. Happy holidays everyone!


If you’re interested in helping out, browse the goods over at Nannan’s Bricklink store!