Thursday, February 13, 2025
Lego 30240 - Z-95 Headhunter

[UK] Free Lego from “The Daily Mail” Newspaper … starting 17th August

Starting this Saturday, you can get some free Lego by buying the Daily Mail newspaper, including the z95 Headhunter set, as pictured.  The other...

LEGO Lone Ranger Poster

This LEGO-fied version of the poster for Disney's upcoming Lone Ranger flick dropped yesterday and, for the most part, the various entertainment outlets seem...

Walmart Sells LEGO The Lone Ranger Sets

Walmart appears to be the first to pull the trigger on putting The Lone Ranger sets up for sale: 79108 Stagecoach Escape $29.97 79106 Cavalry Builder...

LEGO Announces The Lone Ranger Theme

Update: We've been asked to take the image down. At some point in the recent past, LEGO made live the brand site for their newest...

A Meijer Deal

Meijer's got some deals going on that you should be aware of. First up, they've discounted two sets: 79111 Constitution Train Chase from the...

Lone Ranger Fully Loaded

We just finished uploading all of our Lone Ranger photo assets (video is still to come!). With tons of play features (read as: exploding...

Pre-order Lone Ranger Sets From Amazon

If you missed out on the early sales of The Lone Ranger sets from Walmart last week, Amazon has started accepting pre-orders for some...
79111 Constitution Train Chase

Amazon Massively Discounts Select Lone Ranger Sets

Amazon continues to swing its discount hammer, this time striking some Lone Ranger sets and setting them to better than 30% discount. 79111 Constitution...

The Lone Rangers Videos Explode Onto Youtube

[youtube] The last of the set videos to included Erik Varszegi's demonstations cover the new Lone Ranger theme. When I first saw these sets...

30261 Tonto’s Campfire Now Available

Toys'R' is now selling 30261 Tonto's Campfire online. You may also be able to pick them up in store. They are priced at $4.99...