Thursday, February 13, 2025

LEGO Desolation of Smaug Motivational Posters

Earlier today, LEGO posted on their Facebook page the above and below promotional images for their Desolation of Smaug based sets. Probably not the...

Amazon Pre-sells Hobbit Sets

Amazon has put up for pre-sale all but one of the newest sets based on The Hobbit. The missing set in question is 79013...

Review: The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug

So we get a lot of people that like to complain about our reviews when they're opinionated or negative. I could rant about stuff...

New Desolation of Smaug 30216 Lake-town Guard Polybag

Clavius from our forums is reporting finding a new Hobbit Desolation of Smaug polybag: 30216 Lake-town Guard. He found it north of the border...
79014 Dol Guldur Battle

Amazon, Walmart Discount Hobbit Sets

Entering the ring to fight for your dollars once again are Amazon and Walmart. They are both discounting 79014 Dol Guldur Battle (Amazon |...

[SDCC] LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Hobbit Retail Exclusives Revealed, BTTF For Sale

On sale starting today are not one but TWO retail exclusives that you can purchase only at the LEGO booth during the con. The...

[SDCC] 79103 Lake Town Chase Preview

I had the opportunity to take some more photos of the upcoming Hobbit set, 79013 Lake Town Chase. I must be either dead tired,...
Good Morning Bilbo Baggins

Pre-order Bonus For LEGO The Hobbit Video Game Revealed

Not totally sure when this happened but Gamestop revealed the pre-order bonus for LEGO The Hobbit video game. It is labeled as "Good Morning...
79013 Lake-town Chase

Toys’R’Us Prices Newest Hobbit Sets at MSRP, BOGO’s Them

Right now, Toys'R'Us online and brick and mortar locations are offering a BOGO sale on all LEGO construction sets except for Mindstorms, Ninjago, Technic,...

[SDCC] LEGO’s Exclusive Minifigure Giveaway Recap

Another year and another San Diego Comic Con under our collective belts. I am more or less fully recovered from my trip and decompressed...