LEGO Shop@Home Cyber Monday Deals
Oh yeah. Cyber Monday. That's today right? Yawn. If you're a Hero Factory fan, this sale is for you! Otherwise, the rest of us...
New TMNT Episode: Pulverizer Returns
Remember the episode, The Pulverizer? Of course you do! It was the episode where the Shellraiser made it's debut. It was also the episode...
LEGO Shop@Home Now Selling TMNT
Today is the 19th, also known as on-sale day for TMNT through LEGO Shop@Home. If you missed out on Amazon, you can still order...
Heroes In A Half Scale. Tiny Turtle Power!
Turtles are where it's at right now and I hope our Teenage Mutant Ninja Vignettes: Heroes in a Half Scene Building Contest has those...
Target Sale: 20% off TMNT, Super Heroes, Chima
Target stores, and I assume online, is selling LEGO Super Heroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Legends of Chima for 20% off starting today...
[NYCC] LEGO Previews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minifigs
It should come as no surprise that LEGO is spreading core characters from a license across multiple sets. It makes sense from a marketing...
TMNT Pages Up on LEGO Shop@Home, Available December 17
Eagle-eyed reader Keith wrote in to inform us that LEGO Shop@Home has put up the individual product pages for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...
[SDCC] A LEGO Nerd’s Choice of Panels: Saturday Programming
Once again I am here to offer a few select panels for Saturday at the San Diego Comic Con. There's a TON of stuff...
[NYCC] Minifigure Giveaway Details
What comic con with a LEGO presence would be complete without some sort of minifig giveaway? As with San Diego Comic Con, LEGO is...
TMNT Line Revealed
Bothan Spy over at Eurobricks (I know...) found images for the initial TMNT line set to be released next year. We've already seen 79104...