Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Year of Polybags 156/260: 30497 First Order Heavy Assault Walker Review

I'm falling behind so let's get to it. Yesterday (Monday)'s set, 30497 First Order Heavy Assault Walker, is a mouthful to say. I prefer it's...

A Year of Polybags 175/260: 30054 AT-ST Review

This polybag is annoying. Sponsorship This week’s set of reviews is sponsored by my pal Ryan Wood. While he didn't send me today’s set I'm giving...

Review: 75173 Luke’s Landspeeder

I had a hard time writing this review for 75173 Luke's Landspeeder. There exists a problem when trying score a set that's been released...

A Year of Polybags 195/260: 30498 Imperial AT-Hauler Review

I'm a little confused about the name of the vehicle this set is based on. Sponsorship This week’s set of reviews is sponsored by Brandon Griffith,...
Review 75204 Sandspeeder

Review: 75204 Sandspeeder

It's a Snowspeeder in tan. With fins. Now, I should stop the review right there because that's really all there is to this set. But...

A Year of Polybags 84/260: 30495 AT-ST Review

I was all-in for the ugly that was yesterday's polybag, but today's set, 30495 AT-ST, doesn't quite have the same charm. Sponsorship This week’s set of...

A Year of Polybags 148/260: 30272 A-Wing Starfighter Review

Never thought I'd see the day that I'd actually hate an A-Wing. Sponsorship This week’s set of reviews is sponsored by Bricks & Beer!. Bricks &...

A Year of Polybags 137/260: 5004406 First Order General Review

Before I opened today's polybag set, 5004406 First Order General, I studied the picture because you can see on the front of the bag...

A Year of Polybags 124/260: 30384 Snowspeeder Review

I loved the LEGO Snowspeeder. Loved. Past tense. My bitterness began when LEGO would re-release the same model over and over again with nary...

A Year of Polybags 110/260: 30388 Imperial Shuttle Review

The effect of a good photograph is that it can turn even the mediocre model into something that can garner a "Wow!" reaction. Such...