LEGO recently put their newest Star Wars sets online: Helmets! There are three to choose from for now, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be more. These are different than the Darth Vader and Sith Trooper busts that were convention exclusives. These look to be smaller with more detail thanks to the SNOTty, plate-built approach. These are a tad more expensive at $59.99 each with a piece count to match. They all look pretty awesome except for that Stormtrooper; that chin area seems seriously out of scope.
Pre-orders are open now with an expected ship date of April 19th, 2020. That’s just a month away! The links below go directly to the product page and FBTB may make a small commission should you decide to purchase something after clicking through. More details are below each product:
75274 TIE Fighter Pilot Helmet
RRP: US $59.99/€59,99
Age: 18+
Pieces: 724
Measures: 7†(18cm) high, 5†(13cm) wide and 6†(15cm) deep.
75276 Stormtrooper Helmet
RRP: US $59.99/€59,99
Age: 18+
Pieces: 647
Measures: 7†(18cm) high, 5†(13cm) wide and 5†(13cm) deep.
75277 Boba Fett Helmet
RRP: US $59.99/€59,99
Age: 18+
Pieces: 625
Measures: 8.5†(21cm) high, 4.5†(11cm) wide and 4.5†(11cm) deep.
These helmets look pretty great and I can picture them lined up on a shelf. It would make a pretty impressive display. The price seems pretty steep though, but I guess I’ll have to actually build one to really get a feel.
Quick thoughts:
- That TIE Fighter Helmet is the real winner and just looks FANTASTIC. I love how they made the hoses and incorporated them into the display base.
- Like I said earlier, the Stormtrooper helmet looks off around the chin area. I suppose that’s an issue with the parts available at this scale.
- Boba’s Helmet looks disproportionate somehow. Like, it’s taller than it should be. I could also be that center slit isn’t narrow enough.
- I hope they stick with helmets and don’t start doing human/humanoid faces because guaranteed those would look terrible. Droid heads would be okay too. But considering the word “Helmet” is in the product name, this may be a moot point.
- Once they’ve exhausted every helmet design in the galaxy, it’s not hard to imagine LEGO putting out replica sabers at this same smaller-than-life-sized scale. Replica blasters could be a thing too.
- Out of all helmets, the two I hope they make and look forward to the most are Scout Trooper and Boushh.
I’m disappointed in Boba’s helmet as well. It should flare out a bit, not have perfectly vertical sides. The overall profile is closer to the helmet from The Mandalorian. It’s subtle, but that helmet is a bit narrower.
I think it’s also a mistake to have the dark swoops in the “cheeks” be black instead of a darker green. Kinda ruins the illusion of the visor.
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