75184 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar Box

Well, if I thought 2016 was a crazy year, we’re tumbling down the rabbit hole now.

Welcome to 2017!

Prepare yourself for the annual LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar Spamapalooza!

You may remember how last year I lamented the lack of days featuring content from the newer movies. Well those criticisms were no doubt unheard, but it’s happened anyway! Hoorah!

Once more unto the breach!

Day 1 – The Ghost

Here we are. The seven year itch. Of course, I got cold feet at four years and Ace had to do that one, but just when I thought I was out they dragged me back in. And here I am again. I’ll be honest, dealing with these calendars is like choking down your mother-in-law’s dry, flavourless meatloaf time after time. (If your mother-in-law is a fantastic cook or you prefer your meatloaf tray and bland, feel free to keep that kinda stuff to yourself… capiche?) Luckily, I love the exclusive holiday figures that come in them and that makes it worth the effort.

Alright so, day one is starting pretty strong with something the intended audience would be quite familiar with. My son and I have really enjoyed Rebels and this is a pretty good approximation. No interesting bits to speak of, but it’s basic and clunky which means they pegged the actual ship fairly well. This ship bodes well for the direction of the calendar and with any luck will lead us to her captain. Fingers crossed.

To Be Continued…

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