LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett Han Solo in Carbonite Block BrickHeadz

New for New York Comic Con is an exclusive LEGO Star Wars BrickHeadz set featuring Boba Fett and Han Solo in Carbonite Block. I’ve included details, including how you can win the opportunity to purchase the set, below:

  • Pieces: 329
  • Price: $40
  • This product is an New York Comic-Con retail exclusive, available only at the LEGO Group’s mobile experience during New York’s Comic-Com. You can find out more information about how consumers can obtain an exclusive BrickHeadz set at the show here: The LEGO Mobile experiences will feature a truck where attendees who have won the lottery may purchase the exclusive, and other attendees can purchase sets from the current LEGO BrickHeadz assortment. There also will a life size BrickHeadz model for photo opps.
  • The Han Solo is the first LEGO BrickHeadz that has closed-eyes – and is the biggest BrickHeadz base made to date. ([ace] until they make a Jabba the Hutt one…)
  • All decorated parts are new and exclusive to this Comic-Con model

This is the only reveal so far for NYCC. LEGO’s presence and offerings at NYCC has always been on a smaller scale than what they do at SDCC, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the only exclusive. If that changes, we will be sure to update.

It’s hard to say just how exclusive Boba Fett will be. He is such an iconic character that it would be foolish of LEGO to not make him into a regular release. But out of the two, Han Solo in Carbonite Block seems the least likely to be made into a regular set. It was only a matter of time before BrickHeadz hits the LEGO Star Wars property, and this is a fine way of kicking off the line. Anyone going to NYCC willing to help me out?