It’s been a long weeks wait for the poll to close but the results are in and we now have our winners. Up first is first place with 26 votes – Captain America vs Hydra, by tankm.
Those two earned you the 75094 Tydirium Shuttle and a Force Awakens polybag C3PO. Congrats!
Second and third place actually wound up as a tie, with 20 votes each. The first to reach that many was Master Beef’s BC-Barracuda and Caribbean CLPR:

I also want to take this chance to give a shout out to Trooper10 and his Lord of the Rings: Saruman and Galadriel speeders – which won the vote among the bikes present at Star Wars Days down at LEGOLand the weekend before last and just happened to land in fourth place here with 18 votes: