It’s been on record that one of my guilty confessions in my Star Wars-fandom is that I loved Ewoks as a kid… and as an adult, so the news that Warwick Davis is going to be coming back for Episode VII filled me with a great amount of glee. Of course, we don’t know if it’s as the great Wicket W. Warwick, or perhaps a still short version of Wald (who he played in Episode I, along with Yoda and Weazel) that’s all grown up now. Personally, I like to imagine that Wald grew up to be Greedo, but that’s less to do with my love of Warwick than it is my hate of Episode I.
The video reveal for this, which harks back to his hosting of the last Celebration, is just the kind of video you need to watch if the day is getting you down. Or if you’re already happy but can use more joy in your life. Because there are few things better than that fake beard and the idea of Warwick sleeping with an Ewok doll…