I’ve just updated the Bricklandia site with some additional details about participating in this weekend’s Star Wars Days at LEGOLAND California. The incentives list is up, and if you’re volunteering AND bringing a MOC, you’ll receive the above-pictured TC-4 promotional minifigure. If you haven’t volunteered your time yet, unfortunately I’ve closed off registration for volunteer hours. But if you still want to participate, you can bring in your latest Star Wars themed MOC or add to the Empire Strikes Back Asteroid Chase scene we will be displaying in the large walk-in display case. Got questions? Hit up the contact page to get in touch. Star Wars Days is always a lot of fun with the costumes, the 501st doing their droid hunt game, and ton of activities happening on the main stage in Miniland. If you haven’t gone before, you owe it yourself to go at least once.