Meijer’s got some deals going on that you should be aware of. First up, they’ve discounted two sets: 79111 Constitution Train Chase from the Lone Ranger line is discounted $30 down to $69.99, and 9516 Jabba’s Palace is also seeing a flat $30 discount down to $89.99. Secondly, if your cart total adds up to $149 or more, you will automatically receive an additional $30 off your total, $15 if your total is $99 or more. Shipping is free to your local Meijer store if you’re lucky enough to live near one. Otherwise, it looks like they charge a flat $7.99. Two Jabba’s Palace sets, with tax and shipping for me living in California came out to 171.47. Obviously, you’ll save more if you live in a state with no tax and/or can get the free shipping. This beats Amazon’s current price for the palace by about 6 bucks for me anyway. And no, we’re not affiliated with Meijer, just passing the good deal along. Happy shopping!