Yoda Keepsake Ornament

Anyone else sick of what is turning out to be the Year of the Yoda? Good, ’cause neither am I! Hallmark has announced their newest entry into their line of LEGO Star Wars Christmas Tree ornaments and it really should come to no surprise to anybody that it is famed Jedi Master Yoda. He is offered in a rather static pose and looks more like a minifigure than a statue. Seems lazy to me, and I’m not talking about what his eyes are doing there. Still, this is one line we can all claim to be successful completionists on up until they wise up and start offering convention exclusive ornaments. Then we’re screwed. Anyways, he’ll go on sale later this year at the low, low price of $14.95. Hallmark’s previous LEGO Star Wars ornaments were Darth Vader and Stormtrooper.

Thanks to banthafodder for the heads up.