(Just quick not, I’m a doof and misnumbered all of my recent reviews. I fixed them all and was surprised at how much closer I am to the 230 number than I thought.)
I’m almost ashamed to admit this, but I never watched the Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man films. So I really have no frame of reference for today’s set, 5002125 Electro, other than the few scenes in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
He looks like this from the front.
And like this from the back.
I’m tempted to end the review there because honestly I don’t have much else to say. Does the minifig look like the source material? Yes… I guess? And that’s all that really matters because there’s no other extras inside the bag other than the electricity accessories attached to its hands. You get exactly what you are expecting out of this polybag.
Now that I think about it some more, I can’t remember if there were any LEGO sets based off the movie. I don’t think there were. My light googling agrees so it’s a bit odd that this thing even exists. The only other item LEGO made for that movie was an SDCC giveaway of Spider-Man. So on one hand you have Electro who was super easy to get and on the other you have Spider-Man who was nearly impossible to get. Seems like a great marketing strategy to me, make the villain the more ubiquitous one.
Hey, look at that. I guess I did have something to say about this after all.
Does It Suck or Does It Rock?
This is probably the most ho-hum review ever. I don’t have any complaints so a thumbs up 5002125 Electro gets.
There’s no sponsor this week, and with sponsorships lasting a whole week, you can get plenty of exposure for mere pennies. Pennies I say! Want to sponsor a review? Send me a message to admin@fbtb.net or hit me up on discord of the polybag set you have that you want me to review. If selected, in exchange for the set you’ll get a mention right here in the review post and a link to your website or social media account or just about anything else.. Nearly free advertising, so what’s stopping you?
You Can Win This And Every Other Polybag I Review This Year
I’ll be raffling every polybag I review this year in one big lot, all 260 sets (with the possibility of more). Each set will be individually stored in a ziploc baggie complete with the extra pieces, instructions, and the actual polybag bag it came in. The cost of a raffle ticket is just $1 USD and you can enter as many times as you want. Send a PayPal payment to paypal@fbtb.net for $1 USD for every ticket you want to purchase. DO NOT send one payment for multiple entries i.e. do not send one $5 USD payment for five tickets; five $1 USD payments must be made instead. Raffle is open to everyone in the world except where raffles are illegal. Be sure to put “POLYBAG RAFFLE” in the notes section of the payment in order to be entered successfully. Winner will be drawn sometime sometime in the second half of 2023 and contacted at the PayPal email address the payment was sent from to arrange for delivery. For a running list of all the sets that you can win, check this Google spreadsheet.
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