Marvel brought their Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled 10-Disc Limited Edition Six-Movie Collector’s Set to SDCC for a little show and tell before they released this trailer on Thursday. It’s a great looking set with a whack of extras and the price for pre-order on Amazon at the moment is $139.96 which is only $23 per movie. This set and the anticipation I’ve had for it is the reason I never bought any of these movies after Kevin Feige began to talk about the long-term plan for the MCU. It will also be the straw that breaks the camels back and forces me to buy a Blu-ray player…
Damn You 21st Century!
Our intrepid field reporter/head honcho type took these photo’s of the set in all its glory at SDCC where if you pre-ordered (for $189!) you’d get the sweet limited edition poster of the dvd packaging seen above.