Amazon is applying some nice discounts, around 22-26% off, on select LEGO Lord of the Rings sets.
- 79007 Battle at The Black Gate
is discounted 25% from $59.99 down to $44.99.
- 79006 The Council of Elrond
is discounted 26% from $29.99 down to $22.09.
- Of course no Lord of the Rings sales post would be complete without the obligatory mention of 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush
. The current discount for this set is 22% from $99.99 down to $77.94. Not the best discount we’ve seen so if you’re patient you might be able to get a better deal at a later time.
- 79005 The Wizard Battle
is discounted 26% dropping the $12.99 set down to below the $10 mark for just $9.57.
Though technically not Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit set 79014 Dol Guldur Battle is similarly discounted with a 26% discount. It was $69.99 but now can be for just $51.99.