Do you remember that part in the Lord of the Rings movie, the Fellowship one, where Frodo, Samwise, Pippin and Merry were led to the top of Weathertop? And they set up camp? And do you remember when Aragorn left them to go scouting? And do you also remember the part where there was that crow that kept flying around and kept dropping turds on them nearly killing them? Wait, you don’t? It’s in the video game, so it must have happened in the movie. Right? I’ll tell ya, I don’t think any game play footage from any game made me not want to play it faster than the one embedded above. Heaven forbid should a character be idle for more than a second before being rained on by crow turds that’ll kill you. If I were planning on picking up this game, I’d study the above sequence so that I can turbo through it.
The game’s release date has been pushed back to November 13th. You can pre-order from Amazon and get a free $10 voucher good towards the purchase of a game. You’ll also get bonus “Middle Earth characters” for PS3 and Xbox versions. I have no idea what that means but that’s what they’re throwing in. Or, you could pre-order from Gamestop and get an exclusive minifig of Elrond.