Okay folks, for those of you up late or up early reading this before the con opens its doors on this fine Thursday, here is everything you need to know about how to obtain the four exclusive minifigures.
We explored the pitfalls of their distribution of minifigs at last year’s Comic Con and it seems they have either learned from their mistake, listened to the disgruntled masses or both! Though probably learned from their mistakes as I am pretty sure no one wanted to relive that experience all over again. So here’s the breakdown.
– Starting at 11:30am everyday, you can visit the booth to get your badge scanned AND pick up a ticket. Badge scanning will last as long as they have tickets. You can only scan your badge once and get only one ticket, thus ensuring that the number of figs falls into the most number of hands as possible.
– You can scan your badge once a day for each figure. Trying to get your badge scanned more than once will throw and error and you will be denied.
– Starting at 3:30pm, visit LEGORaffle.com to see if you’re a winner based on your ticket number. If you have a winning ticket, swing by the booth and pick up your shiny new precious.
– The following list is the schedule of which minifig will be given away on which day, and the quantity of each figure available:
Thursday – Spider-Woman, 350
Friday – Amazing Spider-Man, 350
Saturday – Black Suit Superman, 200
Sunday – Green Arrow, 200
Good luck to all!