I hope these pics will satisfy some of the comic fans out there who’ve been wishing certain figs would pop up asap!
First up on the DC side we have Mister Freeze, Aquaman, a white suited Batman, Bane, Commissioner Gordon with a SWAT flack jacket, hooded Robin, Scarecrow, Arkham jumpsuit Joker, Penguin and what I believe is Harley Quinn in a nurse disquise. I believe these may or may not be based at least in part on the popular Arkham Asylum/City games that I have not had the pleasure to play, though Gordon and Bane to look like they may be based on their movie counterparts.
Next up on the Marvel side we have Spider-man, Nick Fury (Finally!), Venom, Nova, J. Jonah Jameson, Victor Von Doom and I have no idea who the red winged guy is. Human Fly? A new character from the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon? Hopefully Ace can shed some light on him if no one else can.
Seems like a nice line up to me and I’m betting there will be some others who will pop up sooner or later. Check back tonight as Ace hopes to have some more pics of these figures as an update.
Update: Well, that was fast! Ace has secured official pics of all these figs and more and apparently that red winged guy is Beetle. Guess he got an update since his purple suited days in Web Of Spider-man.