Anybody Excited?

This weekend, starting Thursday September 29 going through Sunday October 2, Northwest Brickcon will be in full swing in Seattle, Washington. This will be my first AFOL convention and I’m pretty excited about attending. If you plan on going as a registered attendee, Andrew over at Brothers Brick posted this handy dandy article about how to prepare for the trip, everything from packing your MOCs to the cheapest way of getting from the airport to the convention hall. If you plan on going for the exhibition, the public days are Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sunday 9am to 3pm.

If on Sunday you find yourself looking for something to do, join me and Andrew as we will be co-hosting a panel. On Sunday October 2, from 2pm to 3pm, we’ll be hosting “LEGO Blogging with FBTB & TBB”. The full description reads as follows:

Join Ace Kim of From Bricks to Bothans and Andrew Becraft from The Brothers Brick, along with their crews, for what is sure to be a lively panel discussion about running two of the most popular LEGO fan sites on the web. Learn how the sites got started and some of the things they’ve learned along the way, from how to pay the bills to moderating an ever-growing community.

Yeah, I’m pretty nervous. So come out and learn all our secrets. Ask a question and you may walk away with a T-shirt. Look for us in Orcas aka Classroom A.