Friday, July 26, 2024

Netflix and Marvel Cancel Daredevil

I wish that this wasn't something that most of us had seen coming, but yesterday Netflix announced that Daredevil would not be renewed for...

Disney+ Launches to Consume our Abundant Free Time

Well, the day of Streamageddon has finally come, with Disney+ officially launching to demand everyone's time - at least if you can get it...

A Superb Owl Trailer for the Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Disney+ is still making sure that we're going to keep the sweet, sweet, subscription dollars rolling by giving a preview of the next up...

CBS Announces new Short Treks, more Picard surprises

I haven't really posted much on the big Star Trek stuff that's been going on lately, which I should. Yes, I know, we are...

Sony, Marvel, and Square|Enix team up to anger a lot of fans, make Spider-Man...

It's amazing what can come along and burst your hype bubble; sometimes, it's saying how a product won't have NPCs (Fallout 76), sometimes it's...

What We’re Looking Forward To In 2021

If there's anything that everyone here is looking forward to, it's got to be a vaccine and maybe, just maybe, the world getting back...

Teaser for upcoming Disney+ MCU titles

It's commerical time, because the Super Bowl was last night, and that means that all of the new trailers and things were up. Honestly,...

FBTB Staff’s Best of 2020 – TV / Movies / Streaming

Any other year and maybe we break these into other categories, but when the highest grossing film of the year in the US turns...

WandaVision Official Trailer Brings the Weird

Okay, yeah... that was, something. Actually, if you're a fan of Marvel Comics and have been following them for awhile, it was specifically two...

FBTB Staff’s Best of 2020 – The Rest

If there's anything that can be taken out of 2020, the year that may have finally broken us all, it's that everyone had some...