Friday, May 10, 2024

Avengers: Endgame Trailer

"This is going to work" "I know it is, because I don't know what I will do if it doesn't." ... ...

Review: Thor

Thor was always an interesting choice for an Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. I mean, on one hand, it makes sense... in the comics, Thor...

Captain Marvel starts production, adds some Familiar Faces

I know I've mentioned this before, but Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) is one of my favorite characters of all time. Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird,...

Disney Rehires James Gunn to Direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

James Gunn is a great director and a terrible comedian, that much was clear when some old tweets of his surfaced from back in...

I Need This Batman: The Animated Series Board Game

I'm a bit of a Batman: The Animated Series, or BTAS for brevity, fan. It helped me through a difficult time in my life,...

Disney announces so many New Marvel shows and teasers

It wasn't just Star Wars announced by Disney, since they're apparently trying to overwhelm all of my nerd sensibilities. Between the Star Wars news,...

New Avengers Endgame Trailer

We're 6 weeks away from the release of the "last" of the Avengers movies to feature the original group (there will most certainly be...

Uh oh… Marvel Ends Partnership with Sony to Share Spider-Man

Okay, this could be a pretty big problem for the future of the MCU as it is currently planned. Multiple sources are reporting that...

Marvel’s Avengers Announces Beta Dates, Hawkeye as post-launch character

This game continues to confound and confuse me... I love Marvel and desperately want a comic game, but I generally don't like live service...

New Trailer For Spider-Man: Far From Home Has Endgame Spoilers

I have not seen a good portion of the MCU movies. I'm trying to play catch up but I have a long way to...