Sunday, May 12, 2024

It’s like the 90s again: Morbius Teaser-Trailer Launches

I mean, technically the character launched back in 1971 in The Amazing Spider-man 101 after the comic's code lifted the ban on vampires, and...

First Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer

Oh, that's right... the DC Extended Universe is still a thing. Oh, and look, they're making a sequel to the best movie they've made...

Disney+ Launches to Consume our Abundant Free Time

Well, the day of Streamageddon has finally come, with Disney+ officially launching to demand everyone's time - at least if you can get it...

Square Enix’s Avengers Goes from Meh to Amazing in One Cinematic Trailer

Back at E3, there were two Marvel games shown in trailers that were previously announced but we had sparse details about: Team Ninja's Marvel...

Spider-man, Spider-man, does whatever a Marvel can…

A little more than a month ago, we, and basically every other internet site with even a bit of a nerdy bend, broke the...

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 4K UHD Just $3.99

Update: I listed the price incorrectly. Price is fixed now. One of the best Spider-Man movies of all time, if not THE best, Spider-Man: Into...

Uh oh… Marvel Ends Partnership with Sony to Share Spider-Man

Okay, this could be a pretty big problem for the future of the MCU as it is currently planned. Multiple sources are reporting that...

Avengers: Endgame is out on Bluray/DVD/4K

I know, I'm a day late on this announcement (and... several months late on my reviews, but they're coming now that I have the...

Next Phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Starting to Take Shape

It's San Diego Comic Con, and that means... well, normally, a lot of news that has nothing to do with comic books. Luckily, Marvel...

CBS Announces new Short Treks, more Picard surprises

I haven't really posted much on the big Star Trek stuff that's been going on lately, which I should. Yes, I know, we are...