The Pandemic Is On Sale


For absolutely no reason at all other than trying to get some affiliate commissions, I’m posting about this board game Pandemic on sale right now over at Amazon. The MSRP is $39.99 but it’s currently on sale for 26% off at just $29.44. Even at full price it’s worth it. You take on one of seven available roles, each with unique abilities, in order to contain and possibly cure viruses that are spreading around the globe. It’s a co-op game designed for 2-4 players but it is possible to play a solo variant if none of your friends are able to come over for some reason.

If you do buy it and are unfamiliar with how to play, I highly recommend watching a how to play video on YouTube like this one:

One rule to keep in mind: you don’t have to eradicate all of the diseases, just find cures for them. I lost a BUNCH of games until I was reminded of this winning condition.

Also, if you need a some totally-fictional-and-not-related-to-anything-happening-in-the-real-world-at-all background entertainment to run on the TV while playing, I hear Contagion is a good movie.

As always, FBTB thanks you for your continued support.


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